Specialist repaints, weathering and soundfitting in 0 gauge
Specialist renumbering, weathering, and soundfitting in 00 gauge
In this day and age of superbly detailed and finished ready to run models, why do I feel the need to offer detailing, repainting, and weathering as a service to customers? The answer is individuality, and realism. Let me explain.
I often used to wonder when being impressed whilst viewing a newly discovered layout, just what it was that made it so different, so realistic compared to others that appeared a bit run of the mill. The answer took quite some time to become apparent. It is in fact no one single thing. All of the different areas that make a layout whole, the track, scenery, signals, backscene and stock, all need to be modelled as a homogeneous whole, no one item or area should stand out. Try it the next time you visit an exhibition. You will see that to create a realistic whole, all of the different areas are modelled to the same good overall standard, and appear as a whole picture.
Yes we can take our latest purchases from Heljan straight out of the box, plonk them on the layout and run them straight away, but with a little bit more effort, these already well proportioned and detailed models can be taken onto an altogether more prototypical and realistic level. This is hopefully where I come in 🙂
Have a browse around the site, there are plenty of images showing my work, and see what you think. Maybe it will inspire you to have a go at a project yourself, feel free to drop me a line to ask any questions, or discuss any projects you would like me to undertake.
Happy modelling!

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